Mark Chiew, PhD
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Computational Biomedical Imaging
Associate Professor - Medical Biophysics
University of Toronto
Scientist - Physical Sciences Platform
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Office: M6-605
Toronto, Ontario
M4N 3M5
+1 416-480-6100 ext. 61018
Research Summary
My research focuses on the development of data acquisition strategies and computational methods for reconstruction of magnetic resonance imaging data. My group works primarily in neuroimaging, at both 3 T and 7 T magnetic field strengths.
Some research themes include the development of 3D acquisition and sampling strategies for functional MRI, and the reconstruction of highly under-sampled MRI data using sparse or low-rank models, or learned models with deep neural networks. We explore the application of computational imaging techniques to MRI for reducing acquisition times, improving spatial and/or temporal resolution, or improving robustness to physiological fluctuations or motion. In addition to fMRI, I am also interested in angiography and perfusion imaging with ASL, spectroscopic imaging, real-time MRI and multi-modal imaging.
Recent Publications
- Millard C, Chiew M. Clean Self-Supervised MRI Reconstruction from Noisy, Sub-Sampled Training Data with Robust SSDU, Bioengineering 2024; 11(12):1305 doi:10.3390/bioengineering11121305
- Chen X, Wu W, Chiew M. Motion compensated structured low-rank reconstruction for 3D multi-shot EPI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024; 91(6):2443–2458 doi:10.1002/mrm.30019
- Millard C, Chiew M. A Theoretical Framework for Self-Supervised MR Image Reconstruction Using Sub-Sampling via Variable Density Noisier2Noise, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2023; 9:707–720 doi:10.1109/TCI.2023.3299212
- Chen X, Wu W, Chiew M. Improving robustness of 3D multi-shot EPI by structured low-rank reconstruction of segmented CAIPI sampling for fMRI at 7T, NeuroImage 2023; 267:119827 doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119827
- Woods JG, Schauman SS, Chiew M, Chappell MA, Okell TW. Time-encoded pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling: Increasing SNR in ASL dynamic angiography, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2023; 89(4):1323–1341 doi:10.1002/mrm.29491
Current and Past Funding Sources
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Canada Research Chairs Program
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/T013133/1)
- Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship (RF201617\16\23)