

Density-Weighted Concentric Ring Trajectory using simultaneous multi-band acceleration: 3D Metabolite-cycled Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging at 3 T

Xia P, Chiew M, Zhou X, Thomas A, Dydak U, Emir UE. 2019;


The Set Increment with Limited Views Encoding Ratio (SILVER) Method for Optimizing Radial Sampling of Dynamic MRI

Schauman SS, Okell TW, Chiew M. 2021;

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Tuning-free multi-coil compressed sensing MRI with Parallel Variable Density Approximate Message Passing (P-VDAMP)

Millard C, Chiew M, Tanner J, Hess AT, Mailhe B. 2022;


Multi-site Ultrashort Echo Time 3D Phosphorous MRSI repeatability using novel Rosette Trajectory (PETALUTE)

Alcicek S, Craig-Craven AR, Shen X, Chiew M, Ozen A, Sawiak S, Pilatus U, Emir U. 2024;


Dorsal Raphe Nucleus Controls Motivational State Transitions in Monkeys

Priestley L, Chiew M, Shahdloo M, Mahmoodi A, Cheng X, Cleveland R, Rushworth M, Khalighinejad N. 2024;



Ultra‐high temporal resolution 4D angiography using arterial spin labeling with subspace reconstruction

Shen Q, Wu W, Chiew M, Ji Y, Woods JG, Okell TW. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024; :mrm.30407



Clean Self-Supervised MRI Reconstruction from Noisy, Sub-Sampled Training Data with Robust SSDU

Millard C, Chiew M. Bioengineering 2024; 11(12):1305

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Speaking to a metronome reduces kinematic variability in typical speakers and people who stutter

Wiltshire CEE, Cler GJ, Chiew M, Freudenberger J, Chesters J, Healy MP, Hoole P, Watkins KE. PLOS ONE 2024; 19(10):e0309612


Self-navigated 3D diffusion MRI using an optimized CAIPI sampling and structured low-rank reconstruction estimated navigator

Li Z, Miller KL, Chen X, Chiew M, Wu W. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2024; :1–1


An accelerated PETALUTE MRI sequence for in vivo quantification of sodium content in human articular cartilage at 3T

Villarreal CX, Shen X, Alhulail AA, Buffo NM, Zhou X, Pogue E, Özen AC, Chiew M, Sawiak S, Emir U, Chan DD. Skeletal Radiology 2024;


Accelerated 3D multi-channel mapping at 7 T for the brain and heart

Kent JL, Buck MHS de, Dragonu I, Chiew M, Valkovič L, Hess AT. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024; 92(5):2007–2020


Efficient 3D cone trajectory design for improved combined angiographic and perfusion imaging using arterial spin labeling

Shen Q, Wu W, Chiew M, Ji Y, Woods JG, Okell TW. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024; 92(4):1568–1583


Dynamic off-resonance correction improves functional image analysis in fMRI of awake behaving non-human primates

Shahdloo M, Khalighinejad N, Priestley L, Rushworth M, Chiew M. Frontiers in Neuroimaging 2024; 3


Test–Retest Reproducibility of Reduced-Field-of-View Density-Weighted CRT MRSI at 3T

Farley N, Susnjar A, Chiew M, Emir UE. Tomography 2024; 10(4):493–503


Motion compensated structured low-rank reconstruction for 3D multi-shot EPI

Chen X, Wu W, Chiew M. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024; 91(6):2443–2458

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Accelerated Cardiac Parametric Mapping Using Deep Learning-Refined Subspace Models

Sheagren CD, Kadota BT, Patel JH, Chiew M, Wright GA. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Regular and CMRxRecon Challenge Papers 2024; :369–379



A Theoretical Framework for Self-Supervised MR Image Reconstruction Using Sub-Sampling via Variable Density Noisier2Noise

Millard C, Chiew M. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2023; 9:707–720

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Why every lab needs a handbook

Tendler BC, Welland M, Miller KL, The WIN Handbook Team. eLife 2023; 12:e88853


High-resolution 3D ultra-short echo time MRI with Rosette k-space pattern for brain iron content mapping

Shen X, Özen AC, Monsivais H, Susnjar A, Ilbey S, Zheng W, Du Y, Chiew M, Emir U. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2023; 77:127146


Optimization of 4D combined angiography and perfusion using radial imaging and arterial spin labeling

Okell TW, Chiew M. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2023; 89(5):1853–1870

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Improving robustness of 3D multi-shot EPI by structured low-rank reconstruction of segmented CAIPI sampling for fMRI at 7T

Chen X, Wu W, Chiew M. NeuroImage 2023; 267:119827

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Ultra-short T2 components imaging of the whole brain using 3D dual-echo UTE MRI with rosette k-space pattern

Shen X, Özen AC, Sunjar A, Ilbey S, Sawiak S, Shi R, Chiew M, Emir U. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2023; 89(2):508–521


Time-encoded pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling: Increasing SNR in ASL dynamic angiography

Woods JG, Schauman SS, Chiew M, Chappell MA, Okell TW. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2023; 89(4):1323–1341



Ultrahigh Resolution fMRI at 7T Using Radial-Cartesian TURBINE Sampling

Graedel NN, Miller KL, Chiew M. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022; 88(5):2058–2073

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Characteristics of articulatory gestures in stuttered speech: A case study using real-time magnetic resonance imaging

Lu Y, Wiltshire CEE, Watkins KE, Chiew M, Goldstein L. Journal of Communication Disorders 2022; 97:106213


Model-based dynamic off-resonance correction for improved accelerated fMRI in awake behaving nonhuman primates

Shahdloo M, Schüffelgen U, Papp D, Miller KL, Chiew M. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022; 87(6):2922–2932

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Uncertainty in denoising of MRSI using low-rank methods

Clarke WT, Chiew M. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022; 87(2):574–588

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Locally Structured Low-Rank MR Image Reconstruction using Submatrix Constraints

Chen X, Wu W, Chiew M. 2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2022; :1–4



Subspace-constrained approaches to low-rank fMRI acceleration

Mason HT, Graedel NN, Miller KL, Chiew M. NeuroImage 2021; 238:118235

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Accelerated calibrationless parallel transmit mapping using joint transmit and receive low-rank tensor completion

Hess AT, Dragonu I, Chiew M. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021; 86(5):2454–2467

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Speech Movement Variability in People Who Stutter: A Vocal Tract Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

Wiltshire CEE, Chiew M, Chesters J, Healy MP, Watkins KE. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2021; 64(7):2438–2452


High-resolution metabolic mapping of the cerebellum using 2D zoom magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging

Emir UE, Sood J, Chiew M, Thomas MA, Lane SP. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021; 85(5):2349–2358



Methods for quantitative susceptibility and R2* mapping in whole post-mortem brains at 7T applied to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Wang C, Foxley S, Ansorge O, Bangerter-Christensen S, Chiew M, Leonte A, Menke RA, Mollink J, Pallebage-Gamarallage M, Turner MR, Miller KL, Tendler BC. NeuroImage 2020; 222:117216


Highly accelerated vessel-selective arterial spin labeling angiography using sparsity and smoothness constraints

Schauman SS, Chiew M, Okell TW. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2020; 83(3):892–905

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Improved statistical efficiency of simultaneous multi-slice fMRI by reconstruction with spatially adaptive temporal smoothing

Chiew M, Miller KL. NeuroImage 2019; 203:116165

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Volume-localized measurement of oxygen extraction fraction in the brain using MRI

O’Brien C, Okell TW, Chiew M, Jezzard P. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019; 82(4):1412–1423



Metabolite-cycled density-weighted concentric rings k-space trajectory (DW-CRT) enables high-resolution 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 3-Tesla

Steel A, Chiew M, Jezzard P, Voets NL, Plaha P, Thomas MA, Stagg CJ, Emir UE. Scientific Reports 2018; 8(1):7792


Recovering task fMRI signals from highly under-sampled data with low-rank and temporal subspace constraints.

Chiew M, Graedel NN, Miller KL. NeuroImage 2018; 174:97–110

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Density-weighted concentric rings k-space trajectory for1H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 7 T.

Chiew M, Jiang W, Burns B, Larson P, Steel A, Jezzard P, Albert Thomas M, Emir UE. NMR in biomedicine 2018; 31(1):e3838



PEAR: PEriodic And fixed Rank separation for fast fMRI.

Weizman L, Miller KL, Eldar YC, Chiew M. Medical physics 2017; 44(12):6166–6182


Non-water-suppressed short-echo-time magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging using a concentric ring k-space trajectory

Emir UE, Burns B, Chiew M, Jezzard P, Thomas MA. NMR in Biomedicine 2017; 30(7):e3714


Motion correction for functional MRI with three-dimensional hybrid radial-Cartesian EPI.

Graedel NN, Mcnab JA, Chiew M, Miller KL. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2017; 78(2):527–540



Accelerating functional MRI using fixed-rank approximations and radial-cartesian sampling.

Chiew M, Graedel NN, Mcnab JA, Smith SM, Miller KL. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2016; 76(6):1825–1836

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K-t FASTER: Acceleration of functional MRI data acquisition using low rank constraints.

Chiew M, Smith SM, Koopmans PJ, Graedel NN, Blumensath T, Miller KL. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2015; 74(2):353–364

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The relationship between delay period eye movements and visuospatial memory

Olsen RK, Chiew M, Buchsbaum BR, Ryan JD. Journal of Vision 2014; 14(1):1–11



Constrained source space imaging: Application to fast, region-based functional MRI.

Chiew M, Graham SJ. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2013; 70(4):1058–1069


Real-time correction by optical tracking with integrated geometric distortion correction for reducing motion artifacts in functional MRI

Rotenberg D, Chiew M, Ranieri S, Tam F, Chopra R, Graham SJ. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2013; 69(3):734–748



Investigation of fMRI neurofeedback of differential primary motor cortex activity using kinesthetic motor imagery

Chiew M, LaConte SM, Graham SJ. NeuroImage 2012; 61(1):21–31



BOLD Contrast and Noise Characteristics of Densely Sampled Multi-Echo fMRI Data.

Chiew M, Graham SJ. IEEE transactions on medical imaging 2011; 30(9):1691–1703


Spin-history artifact during functional MRI: Potential for adaptive correction.

Yancey SE, Rotenberg DJ, Tam F, Chiew M, Ranieri S, Biswas L, Anderson KJT, Baker SN, Wright GA, Graham SJ. Medical physics 2011; 38(8):4634–4646


Multiecho coarse voxel acquisition for neurofeedback fMRI.

Kuo AY-C, Chiew M, Tam F, Cunningham C, Graham SJ. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2011; 65(3):715–724
